Pubg pc maintenance
Pubg pc maintenance

pubg pc maintenance pubg pc maintenance

A bug has been fixed where Crouching/standing repeatedly while ADS was causing the animation transition to stutter. The Mosin-Nagant Sniper Rifle has been added to Vikendi and Erangel, but not in the same way as we have other weapons.Ī lot of bug fixes have also been fixed under this update. are all directly copied from the Kar98k, but the Mosin will feature its own look and sound. For all intents and purposes, the Mosin-Nagant is a Kar98k. Players can also once again unlock community rewards by working togetherĪ new weapon Mosin-Nagant is also making its way with this update. With costumes ranging from Dinoland employee apparel and mascot costumes to other themed looks, there’s something for everyone. Survivor Pass: Cold Front is your ticket to all the cool new outfits in Season 7.


The new patch is also bringing a myriad of other enhancements for the game.

pubg pc maintenance

A lot of graphical improvements have arrived for the Vikendi map.


PUBG update 7.1 will feature Survivor Pass: Cold Front, quality of life improvements and the updated Vikendi. Live servers will undergo maintenance for 7 hours on April 21 at 5:30 pm PDT / Apr 22, 00:30 UTC / 09:30 KST for the deployment of the new update. This information has been revealed on the PUBG official Twitter handle. A lot of seasons & new content have been launched in these last three years of PUBG.Ĭut to now, a new 7.1 update will roll out for PUBG PC today. PUBG was released in the year 2017 & since then it has been running strong. PUBG is quite popular worldwide & but the majority of its fan base exists in the Asian region. Many BR titles have been published since 2017, including PUBG, Fortnite, Apex Legends, & Warzone.

  • You will not be able to claim this reward if you don't acess the game and link your Krafton Account with platform account by 23:59 (UTC) March 31st, 2022.Battle Royale games have captured the center stage of the gaming industry in the last two years.
  • pubg pc maintenance

    Bonus rewards could be changed without prior notice due to unexpected circumstances such as product supply and demand. WE PLAY ON MANY FIELDS PUBG uses its platforms and voice to support and promote causes and movements beyond gaming universe.If you can't reach us within the designated period, the winner may be canceled without any further action. Winners of bonus rewards will be announced on Februat and must contact the email address of the person in charge of PUBG: Battlegrounds.Bonus rewards will be drawn only for those who have successfully completed receiving in-game reward items for the Invite Friend Event by 23:59 UTC on January 31, 2022.Current players who already have their KRAFTON IDs linked will automatically receive their rewards after maintenance on January 12, 2022.If multiple platforms are tied to a single account, the rewards will be sent to every platform.You must link your KRAFTON ID to your platform account to receive the rewards.The linked KRAFTON ID you used for pre-registration will automatically receive the rewards once you access the game after maintenance on January 12, 2022.You must also have completed pre-registration. Players will have to loot weapons, vehicles, and consumables while also being chased by the merciless Blue Zone. Check your PUBG stats and ranks View our indepth leaderboards for every PUBG stat. You can only participate in the event once per KRAFTON ID. PUBG: BATTLEGROUNDS is a free-to-play battle royale shooter where 100 players utilize various weapons and survival strategies against each other to eventually. Welcome to PUBG Tracker - The premier PUBG stats site Use our BATTLEGROUNDS Stats Tracker to see who is the best in our global and regional leaderboards for players around the world.After inviting three friends, your linked KRAFTON ID you used for pre-registration will automatically receive the rewards once you access the game after maintenance on January 12, 2022.

    Pubg pc maintenance